Sep 30 2008

Would you like an e-mail when a new post arrives?

Published by at 9:11 pm under Slice of Life

Check out a new form just to the right here. All you have to do is enter you first name and your e-mail and click on the “Click To Sign-Up” button. I don’t think I could’ve made it any more clear.

When you do that, you will be sent an e-mail with a link that you have to click. Once you do that you will be put on a list that will send you an e-mail every time a new post is entered on this web site.

Stay tuned, I have a post for Caleb’s birthday, a post about Joshua’s trip to a political rally, my own birthday, and my trip to the annual Peacemaker conference. But that’s not going to happen tonight. It’s time to head off for bed.

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