Jun 11 2009

When You’re Treated Well – Share

Published by at 9:23 pm under Slice of Life

If you’ve been keeping up with us – last summer I mowed our lawn with a push rotary mower.  It was quite a work out, but Laura wasn’t real pleased with the results.  So this summer (May 8th in fact… how do I know that?  Read on) Laura went and got a Craftsman lawn mower from our local Sears Appliance & Hardware store on N. Lindbergh.

The third time I used it was yesterday.  That would be June 10th – 32 days after our purchase.  When I came across this:

Is that not clear enough?  How about this…

Well, after that little contact with my mower, the shaft got bent and it was all over.  We figured we’d have to buy another lawn mower (and leave the two broken ones in the back of the shed).  I was talking to my mom on Skype and she said that I should call Sears and try to buy the warranty post mortum.  I figured, “what could it hurt?”

So I called and talked to Ashley.  She told me that you can, in fact, buy the warranty up to 30 days after your purchase.  That’s how we discovered that it had been 32 days.  She also told me that the main shaft wasn’t under the warranty or any extended warranty.  She paused for a moment and asked if she could call me back in 10 minutes while she called her manager.  When she called back, she said that they would do an even swap for a new mower.  When Laura got home from her work out, we scooted over there and made the trade.

I finished the lawn this evening.  Sears Hardware is now my favorite hardware store.  That’ll be where I stop by when looking for all things hardware.  See how being treated well can change your actions and outlooks?

So be nice to somebody and see what a difference it can make.

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