Apr 10 2009
What To Do With Monday’s Again
It seems like this is the way things have always been. Monday nights are always hectic. After work it’s the rush home (love that commute), just in time to participate in burrito night – that’s Monday night at our house.
But no sooner are the dishes cleared from the table than it’s time to grab my videos and such and head out the door to Financial Peace University. And then get home just as the kids are being tucked into bed. That’s Monday – or at least it has been in 2009.
Now that’s all over. Another class of FPU graduates have been released into the wild. They will now be responsible for conversations in the work place over whether there is such a good thing as good debt and bad debt. Hmm, if debt is slavery (according to Proverbs 22:7) then is there such a thing as good slavery and bad slavery? That kind of puts a different slant on things. They will also be there to encourage people that you don’t “always have to have a car payment” and you don’t “always have to owe somebody.” They will be an example that you can dig your way out of the mess you’ve gotten into.
It’s tough to reorient your time and not to just let it fall into that mess called “free time”. But we’ll see how that turns out.
Oh, you want to see the graduating class? Take a gander.
Here are a couple of shots of our last night
And our official graduation finishing photo…
And there you have it! It was a real blast!
Do you want to be a part of a Financial Peace University class? Comment on the blog here to get in touch.
P.S. Dave Ramsey’s having a Town Hall of Hope event for Free on April 23, 2009 at a church or location near you. Check it out at http://www.townhallforhope.com
(Free advertising for Dave…)