Sep 29 2007

I Want To Be Older

Published by at 3:33 pm under Kelsey Kids

I have always wanted to be older. When I was about 5, I wanted to be eight, when I was eight, I wanted to be ten, I was happy when I was ten. It was double digits, so, that made me feel a little older. But then, I wanted to be eleven. I thought being elven would be so cool! I thought it meant getting cell phones, laptop computers, and other stuff you get when you turn, like, fifteen. Now, I’m eleven, and I want to be sixteen. Thats because I really want a cell phone. I’m pretty sure when I get one, for a while it will be unbelievable and I’ll use it all the time. But when I get the bill, also the excitement will have worn off, I’ll probably think: Why did I want this so badly? It’s just phone I can take places. But, that’s just me! 🙂

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