Feb 24 2009

All for Christmas or a long time comin’

Published by at 4:16 am under Happenings

It took a while, but it’s finally happened.  Caleb has both of his big teeth.  When he was three or so (ok, it’s 4 am, I’m not capable of doing year math – that’s why it’s not exact), we were in Atlanta for our first Peacemaker conference and Caleb smashed his face on a stone step at the hotel.  His lips and gums were swollen and black.

Eventually that left front tooth discolored, and thanks to his rambunctious brother, it came (was knocked) out.  He went a long time with just the one front tooth.  I was worried that he might have damaged the root of the permanent tooth.

But just a few weeks ago it showed up and started to come in.  And then the other one started to make an appearance.  In fact his remaining front tooth had become rather stubborn.  Look.

It was hanging in there even as the bigger tooth came up behind and started pushing it out.  In fact, as it pushed that baby tooth forward we started to see our families best ever “Larry the Cucumber” impression.  It was even in 3-D.

It’s all over now, and I am so very thankful.  Whether it’s Christmas or not.  All I wanted was his two front teeth.  I don’t foresee Caleb as a hockey star, but either way – I think I’m going to invest in a mouthguard for him that he can just take with him everywhere he goes.

Oh, keep your teeth in…

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