Apr 30 2009
It Always Seems to Rain During a Camp Out
It’s been gray and dreary all day. There have been sprinkles off and on. Of course a day like today is just perfect for Hannah to pack up and take off with her Pathfinder club for a weekend of camping at Spring Camporee. Well, she won’t be alone. There will probably be a couple hundred kids trying to put up tents to ward off the dampness for the weekend.
I would much prefer that over the 2nd degree burns she had across her eye brows and cheeks last year just from forgetting to bring sunscreen (and being so fair skinned that she’s almost translucent – some genes we’ve provided her, huh?).
So this weekend it’s just mama and the boys.
Just over a week ago Laura returned from her journey to Maine. She surprised her folks and got to spend some time talking with her brother. Not to mention the opportunity to drive through New York City on her way up. I mean, does it get any better than that? If we can get organized around here, maybe we’ll do some interviews about our experiences and pull them together into a podcast episode for you.
Caleb had a cyst removed from his palm last weekend and it’s healing really well so far. We also recently discovered that he’s going to need glasses. Caleb has all the interesting things happen to him. He leads a life of adventure.
Joshua still clings to his guitar and I have the phone numbers of some teachers. We just have to get to calling around and get him going with some lessons.
Nathan is talking more and more. When I come home from work, he’s the one who greets me. He wants to have something to say so bad that usually it’s just some jumbled thoughts or maybe a question. When he gets real tongue tied he falls back to the old faithful, “I nub you dad.” You can’t go wrong with “I love you.”
And for me, things are crazy at work trying to figure out how thing work around there and getting acclimated. My accountant called and said they noticed that my income for the 1st quarter of 2009 has been “erratic.” Uh, that’s because I didn’t have any invoices in December and all but the last week of January. That’ll make your business a little unstable. So hopefully my current assignment will stay steady through 2009, regardless of how shaky it feels.
I’m also trying to work on some software on the side – a class assignment planner for homeschoolers that they could access over the Internet. It’s coming along, but not as fast as I’d like. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in? Let me know, it’ll spur me on to get it done. We really want to develop an online homeschooling community, called Barnabas Way (check out our blog at http://barnabasway.com/blog ). I’m looking for two homeschooling families that would like to be beta testers and help jump start our community. Again – speak up if you or someone you know is interested.
That just about covers life with the Kelsey’s at the end of April of 2009. Thanks for stopping in to see what’s up.